Birth control (contraception)

When we think of birth control for women, we might often only think about something to put in or on our body, like the pill, intrauterine device (IUD) or condoms. But there are other kinds of birth control as well, like vasectomy, tubal ligation, natural family planning — even abstinence. Think of birth control as any pregnancy prevention method — temporary or permanent.

What are the different types of birth control?

Your overall health, future plans to have kids and personal preference can help determine the method of birth control that’s best for you. Be sure to do your research. Your doctor can answer any questions you have to help you decide. Here are some options to consider.1,2

Benefits of birth control beyond contraception

While many women start birth control to help prevent pregnancy, some women may use it for other health reasons. Here’s a list of the other ways contraception might help you:4

  • Lighter periods: The hormones in some birth control methods, like certain types of the pill and IUD, thin your uterine lining. This may make your periods lighter if you experience a heavy flow.
  • Relief from endometriosis symptoms: The shot (hormone injection) and hormonal IUDs may help with painful periods and cramps from endometriosis.
  • Clearer skin: Testosterone is a male hormone that naturally occurs in your body and can cause acne to develop. Some birth control pills decrease your testosterone levels, which may help clear your skin.
  • Reduced PMS: Birth control pills may help with things like cramping, mood swings, bloating, tender breasts and menstrual migraines.
  • A lower risk of some cancers: Birth control pills may lower your risk of getting some cancers, like ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer, which can be beneficial if they run in your family.

Side effects of birth control

Every woman’s body will react differently to birth control. If you try one and notice negative side effects, talk to your doctor about switching to a birth control option that might work better with your body. Here are some side effects you could experience with some different types of birth control:

  • Birth control pill, patch and vaginal ring: The hormones in these types of birth control may cause nausea, sore or swollen breasts, spotting between periods and headaches. The patch may also cause skin irritation, while the ring may cause vaginal irritation or discharge. All of these side effects are usually short term and typically go away after a few months.5
  • The birth control shot: A hormonal injection, the shot may cause irregular periods or spotting, especially during the first year of use. After the first year, you may only have light periods or no period at all.6
  • IUD: Hormonal IUDs can cause spotting and irregular, heavier periods, while copper IUDs may increase your flow and cause painful periods. You may also experience tender breasts, nausea, headaches or mood changes. These symptoms usually improve after the first few months but may last longer.7

Sometimes birth control can cause more serious side effects, so it’s important to talk to your doctor about any potential risks, especially if you have a medical condition. If you’re considering sterilization (getting your tubes tied), this is a surgical procedure that requires recovery time. Talk with your doctor about what recovery might look like and any side effects you could experience.8

Natural family planning

Also known as fertility awareness, natural family planning does not use any hormones or devices. It involves tracking your menstrual cycle pattern to help predict ovulation. This helps determine when you’ll likely be most fertile and able to get pregnant. If you’re using natural family planning for birth control, you’ll need to avoid having sex or use a barrier method during this time. If you’re trying to get pregnant, this ovulation window is when you’re most likely to conceive.9

How to get birth control

Interested in learning more about birth control or changing your current method? Schedule a visit with your primary care provider or gynecologist. The type of birth control your doctor recommends will be based on your age, overall health, lifestyle, personal preference and family history. Be sure to write down your questions and concerns before your visit.