Substance Use Helpline

Free, confidential alcohol and drug addiction help — whenever you need it

Whether you're concerned about yourself or a loved one, you can call the 24-hour Substance Use Helpline at 1-855-780-5955, TTY 711 to talk to a specialized substance use recovery advocate. You’ll get confidential support, guidance on treatment options, help finding a network provider and answers to your questions — including concerns about your personal health or care for a family member, coverage, cost of care and more.

Get support, 24/7

What is substance use disorder?

Substance use disorder involves excessive and compulsive use of alcohol, drugs or medications. It’s a disease — and it is treatable. Many people can recover if they seek the proper care.

Some common signs of concern include:¹

  • Changes in appearance, including a lack of hygiene.
  • Mood swings or unexplained personality changes.
  • Ignoring responsibilities.
  • Risk of financial loss or physical danger.
  • Sudden changes in friends.
  • Feelings of shame or regret.

What should I know about the helpline?

We’re committed to making it as easy as possible for you to access the services you or your loved one may need.

Anyone can call the Substance Use Helpline and get support that’s:

  • Free. The helpline is a benefit of your health plan, available at no additional cost.
  • Completely confidential. Your personal information is kept private at all times and never shared.
  • Anonymous. No identifying details about yourself are required.
  • Always available. 24/7 support for UnitedHealthcare members and their families.

Hope and healing are a phone call away

If you feel that you or a loved one are experiencing signs of addiction, call the helpline to start the journey toward recovery. Call 24/7 1-855-780-5955, TTY 711.

Connect with a specialized substance use recovery advocate any time, any day.

Get help and hope for recovery in a private conversation.

There's no charge for using the helpline.

Call the Substance Use Helpline 1-855-780-5955 to get help today.